
Monday, February 7, 2011

The Why

I am a half-time step-mom to a 6 year old girl.

"Half-time" meaning she lives in our home half her time.

I am a biological mother to two other children. One from a previous marriage and one I share with my husband.

Your basic:  his, mine and ours.

I needed a place to write about my feelings and experiences dealing with all the aspects that come along with being a step-mother.  The good, the bad and the ugly.

Sometimes I feel like my life is like a Lifetime movie that I find disturbing and I want to change the channel.
Other times, it's like one of those movies where you want to cozy on the couch under a blanket and watch an all day marathon.

I just needed a place to write about all of it.

This place with have that focus----that which involves my step-daughter: parenting her, her relationships with  us, dealing with her mother, and all the idiocy there, her schooling, activities, and the like.

My intention is only to have a place to write about this part of my life...freely.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Lady T,

    Love your posts about stepmomhood!!! I have been a stepmom(smom) for 5 years and it is without a doubt one of the hardest things I have had to do!!! If the EX was different and would treat us civily(SP) that would be nice. Oh she has her moments but few and far between and usually when she wants something.

    i will try to offer all the support that I can!
